File Rack Jeanneret designed together with Le Corbusier a new capital in Chandigarh. In the 1950es they created a vision of new living, where modernity and tradition came together. The spririt of India and modernity of Europe created a world, where archaic and modernity get an unity. Le Corbusier left soon the project and was looking for new chalanges. Pierre Jeanneret continued to live in Chandiarh and has got professor on the architecture faculty there. There he lived for 15 years, worked on the city and developed a big amoint of great design pieces. File Rack. Pierre Jeanneret works and shelves and furniture. He knows how to create furniture with Le Corbusier teak furniture and Sisso furniture. Very rare and valuable objects. Issued in our P! Gallery in Zurich. Offered with 6 holes and a rare color. The piece is offered in Berlin and Stuttgart. Rare furniture and top design. The design furniture is rarely pieces of art and such. The work and Le Corbusier know JEanneret to make an asset. This eats well and museums buy the furniture all off. Bookcases are rare and we sell these authentic furniture. The art from Chandigarh is offered on Wright20, where reality is rarely good. A funny story of 1960 knows where India is. Indian rarity and collector's item. A value creation for banks and colors, where Mumbai creates collectors' pieces. Thus water from Gandhi and Ahmedabad becomes a Cobusier story. Berlin air and rare stones, Committee chair matching the carpets. Interior architecture and architecture for the residential areas. Living is important and that is how it should be. An antiques should revive here. Pierre Jeanneret files rack and wardrobe collection are vast. The collection has various vintage pieces from the 20th century. This low-lying teak wardrobe is a creation of the 1950s. It is an artwork of a famous designer. This designer is Pierre Jeanneret. Pierre Jeanneret was an amazing artist. He created such beautiful designs. This wood wardrobe is an inspiration from Chandigarh. The Chandigarh Secretariat and government buildings had such storage furniture. The designer redesigned the wardrobe and gave it a classy look. Jeanneret was a visionary of modern architecture. He built numerous buildings across the globe. They all had a unique feature to it. All his designs stand apart from each other. They have outstanding designs.The Pierre Jeanneret files rack collection consists of this Sisso wood furniture. This wood furniture from India is ideal for office spaces. The low-lying wardrobe can be placed in office spaces for file storage. It has a sleek structure that looks good in offices. The idea behind Jeanneret’s designs was simplicity and minimalism. He followed this with all his furniture designs. The interior designer gained knowledge and exposure by working with Le Corbusier. Corbusier was his cousin who assisted him with the Chandigarh project. They both created such fascinating designs.
Impeccable Design
The teak wardrobe is ideal for storage whether in offices or at home. The wardrobe is structurally strong and gives a vintage look. Sisso is the main component of this Pierre Jeanneret files rack. Sisso wood is a type of Indian rosewood. This Sisso rosewood is a lighter material with great weight-bearing capacity. It is an element that is resistant to bugs and other infestations. This makes this wood furniture from India durable. The reliability of this furniture is great because it is sturdy even after about 60 years. The wood wardrobe is rare furniture. Only art museums and few galleries display this furniture. There are various auctions held for its sale. All the elite art lovers bid their prices on this Sisso wood wardrobe.The Pierre Jeanneret files rack is a structured piece of furniture. The designer has not created a shabby piece. The design hygiene of the wardrobe is evident from its structure. There are a total six pigeon holes in the teak wardrobe. There are two bigger ones on the side, and four smaller ones in the middle. The pigeon holes are proportionately designed. It is a standard size to store anything. From chests to files, anything can be fit in these pigeon holes.